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Policies against Hunger XV, 2024 Policies against Hunger XV, 2024

On June 4 and 5, 2024, the extraordinary "Policies against Hunger" conference entitled "Twenty Years of Action: Advancing the Human Right to Food" took place in Berlin.

Conference recordings

You can find the recordings of the conference at the following link:

It starts with video no. 27 and ends with video no. 1.

Result film 2024

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Impressions 2024

At the conference, around 200 participants from 38 countries took the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the "Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Food in the Context of National Food Security" to jointly discuss the successes and challenges in realizing the right to food. 

The joint findings and recommendations of the conference participants were presented to the Chair of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile, as well as the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on behalf of all governments at the end of the conference and will be incorporated into international efforts to realize the right to food. 

Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir opened the conference. State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and CFS Chair Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile welcomed the guests. The chair of the conference and Deputy Director-General of the German Institute for Human Rights, Michael Windfuhr, also welcomed the guests. Maurizio Martina, Deputy Director-General of the FAO, then gave a keynote speech on the role and importance of the right to food in the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

A total of six working groups discussed, what an agenda for the right to food up to 2034 could look like and how the various stakeholder groups can make a concrete contribution to the realization of the right to food. The results of the working groups were evaluated and discussed in the follow-up panel by CFS Chair Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile, Chafik Ben Rouin (OHCHR), Prof. Elisabetta Recine, CONSEA Chair, Juan Jose Echanove (FAO Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division) and Swantje Nilsson, Head of Department International Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

In several panel discussions, various aspects of the right to adequate food were reflected upon with the participation of the audience. A tête á tête between Ms. Künast (Member of the German Bundestag and former Minister of Agriculture) and Michael Windfuhr shed additional light on the successes of the last 20 years and the prospects for the role of the right to food nationally and internationally. 

Parliamentary State Secretary Müller from the BMEL closed the conference, by giving a conclusion of the conference and an outlook on the future.

Twenty Years of Action: Advancing the Human Right to Adequate Food

In 2024, the international community marks an important milestone in the implementation of the human right to adequate food: the 20th anniversary of the "Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security" adopted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2004.

Together with international and national stakeholders, politics, business, science and civil society, we want to look at the achievements and challenges in realising the right to food in the plenary session and in working parties broken down by groups of stakeholders. We want to discuss what the Voluntary Guidelines have accomplished and what we want to achieve together in the future. How can we address poverty, discrimination and social injustice as structural causes of hunger and malnutrition? Based on an international stocktaking, we will also take a look at Germany. What progress has been made in realising the right to food in Germany?

This special session of the "Policies against Hunger" conference aims to take candid stock of the successes, shortcomings and future challenges in realising the right to food. 

The aim of the conference is to provide concrete impetus to a rights-based transformation of food systems and to incorporate this into international processes. We want to make a practical contribution to the preparations for the 52nd plenary debate of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in October 2024 and help the CFS formulate a firm commitment to strengthening the right to food in the anniversary year.

However, we also need to use the opportunity of the UN Food Systems Summit, the High Level Political Forum (HLPF), the Summit of the Future, G7 and G20 processes to advance the rights-based transformation of food security around the world.

Further information can be found in the background paper.