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International Cooperation

The agri-food system is crucial to global food security and nutrition as well as to sustainable development. At a time when more than half of the global population are suffering from hunger or malnutrition or are affected by overweight and obesity, we need concepts that focus on the complex causes of these problems and develop solutions accordingly.

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture takes action to promote sustainable food systems at national, European and international level. We need to work together with partners from politics, the private sector, civil society and academia, engaging in strong, sustainable cooperation that extends beyond national borders and continents. “Policies against Hunger” is an important element in stimulating this cooperation and advancing developments on pressing issues that are of concern to all of us.

For more information on our international cooperation to safeguard global food security, please visit the website of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Additional information e.g. on the Ministry's collaboration with FAO or our international research cooperation may be found here:

Source: BMEL/Heine